About Western

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a highly prevalent condition effecting about 10 to 20% of Americans. This condition is characterized by symptoms of abdominal discomfort, altered stool frequency (diarrhea, constipation or alternating diarrhea/constipation), and bloating for extended periods of time (at least 6 months of symptoms).

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion, and consequently there is an enormous expenditure for a variety of tests applied to these patients.  Since the tests provide only normal results it is very frustrating for the patients who will often seek a new doctor (who then repeats the tests). 

Western Research has studied the application of computerized bowel sound analysis (enterotachogram analysis) to the evaluation of patients with IBS. We have found that IBS patients have a significantly shorter time interval between bowel sounds that can be measured in a quantitative and objective fashion.These studies provide several potential advantages in management of IBS:

  • Inexpensive and simple to perform test
  • First test with a positive finding in IBS
  • Provides a positive test result to reassure IBS patients of correct diagnosis
  • Provides warning for identifying patients that may be erroneously diagnosed as having IBS (in particular Crohn's disease).